I hate F. Scott Fitzgerald. I won't deny it.
Okay, I don't actually hate him, but he annoys me. A lot. I think he is a beautiful writer, and I am incredibly jealous of his powers of description, but he cannot write a likable character to save his life! And he's one of those writers who tells a story mostly through characters instead of action, kind of like Steinbeck. Except, unlike Steinbeck, every single one of his characters is SO unpleasant, it's impossible for me to ever get into any of his books! I just want to jump into the pages and kill EVERYBODY. And the problems and conflicts they face in the book are just so... superficial! GAHHHH. I know, I know, there are deeper meanings and issues and all that jazz.... But it still makes me mad. Wait, where was I going with this? Oh, right.
I mentioned all this because right now we're reading "The Great Gatsby" in English class and it's killing me! I've already read the book, and I just can't stand it, so having to read it over a second time while analyzing every last trivial detail is kind of driving me crazy. But that's not what I'm trying to talk about either. I meant to talk to you guys about the cover of this empty banana peel of a book. (Also, I apologize if you really like Fitzgerald or the book or both. To each his own...)
The cover has always confused me, and I've never quite understood it:
And I've always loved it for this very reason. It's pretty much the only thing about "The Great Gatsby" that I like, actually. And today, while I was sitting around, super bored in economics, I noticed something that I have NEVER noticed before!! Inside the eyes of the woman... Are two more NAKED women!! HOW COOL IS THAT?? It's done in this way so that the body looks like the iris of the eye and I had to look at it for a moment before I saw it but... it's awesome. Truly mind-blowing. It makes me want to design my own naked woman eye! But in economics, I settled for copying the one on the cover. Check it out:
Is it just me, or is that not THE MOST EPICLY GORGEOUS THING YOU'VE EVER SEEN??? Gosh, I do hope it's not just me...
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