Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 26: Jean Jacket!

I drew a cute little jean jacket!!

....................I really want to go shopping.

January 25: I AM GOING TO EAT YOU!

AHHHH It's been so long since I've blogged!! I'm sorry, I've just been swamped with all my horrid finals... And I still have two more days to go! But, I've decided to take a brief moment to post the sketches I have saved up for this blog....

Finals makes me draw weird things....

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 21: James T. Kirk

I recently bought a fantastic Star Trek book, and it inspired me to have a little Star Trek marathon yesterday... While I was watching "Amok Time", and trying to explain the Vulcan mating ritual to my skeptical mother, I did this sketch of Kirk, in his formal wear! <3 I have to say, I usually like to draw Spock, because I LOVE him... But I'd never drawn Kirk before, surprisingly enough, so I decided to try him out instead:

(This is a little more cartoonish of course, but you get the idea...)

I really do love Star Trek... And lately I've come to appreciate Kirk and McCoy much more than I did originally. I was always a Spock/Scotty girl myself, but lately I find that I'm OBSESSED with McCoy!! And much more taken with the Captain than before... But don't worry my dear Spock, I will always adore you! Not that you were worried of course... I mean, you're a Vulcan after all.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 19: A robot, just for you!

Yep. Robots are awesome. Robots and dinosaurs. They are the coolest.

January 18: Blog Background Experimentation!!

So I did a little experimentation with watercolors on the 18th, and made myself a blog background piece. It's designed to fit together into one splendiferous pattern when repeated over and over again, though it was my first attempt doing something like this so I had to tweak it a little on iPhoto to make it line up. But, all in all, it was super fun designing it! This is the piece, individually:

And this is how it looks as a blog background!

As you can probably tell, the bow ties don't quite match up, but other than that it looks pretty good right? The one thing I don't like is that the back color is white... I think when I make a final design, it'll have to be in color. I'd also like to exploit the water part of watercolors more next time, because I must admit I used them more as regular paint in this one... But I still like it. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17: AHHH NUDITY!!!

Well now, I have a decision to make. Either I can draw a really fast 30 second doodle for y'all, or I can just share one more past drawing... Hmmm... I have a lot of homework so I'm going to be lazy and just share one more oldie for you. Who cares, it's not like you've ever seen it before!

Now, the sketch I'm going to share today is a nude. The first nude I ever drew to be exact. So... if you're old fashioned or afraid of naked people or something, DON'T LOOK! AAHHHHH NUDITY!! Yup. Hey, all I can say is the human body is kind of gorgeous and drawing it is really fun.

A few notes: Her legs are shorter looking because the books at an angle, her right knee looks funny because I used it to experiment with shadow, and yes she does have thick thighs. Get over it, she likes to eat nutella sandwiches. WHO DOESN'T?? Anywho, enjoy all the uncensored nudity. :D

January 16: Dude, I'm so patriotic.

Another past drawing... 

...an eagle! :D

January 15: Purple Truck

Continuing my stream of past sketches....

...a purple truck! :D Btw, that's a branch thingy that was in front of it.

January 14: Michael Jackson ...awww yeahhh...

I have a confession... I haven't done any sketches for the past four days!!! :O
I went on a s'wonderful, s'marvelous trip to visit Polethene Pam, and I have to say I got rather distracted! BUT, I did find a long lost sketch book from the summer of 2009 that I have been searching for forever!! And I'm going to use these next few sketchless days to share some old work with you! Now mind you, I was almost three years younger. I apologize in advance if some of the stuff I share is a little... ehhhh... bad.

Today, I've chosen the picture I drew in mourning of MJ's death. :( Sure he went a little strange towards the end but... he will always be the king of pop.

Friday, January 13, 2012

January 13: The first of many more to come...

Whenever I feel like drawing but can't think of or find a good subject, I like to draw my hand... It's good practice and it's fun! In fact, you'll probably end up seeing a lot more hand sketches in the future. Anyways, so today in health I drew this very simple sketch of my left hand and then I added a little spooky face because I remembered it's FRIDAY THE 13TH!! So yes. That is all.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12: TORNADO!!

This started off as a scribble of frustration, set on by a really long and confusing math problem, but then I turned it into a weird little cartoon!

January 11: Another boring day of Econ doodles...

Title says it all...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 10: Mr. Happy Sunshine

This is going to sound sort of ridiculous, but oh well... When I do math homework, and it gets particularly boring or painful, I like to draw myself a little cartoon (always excessively cheery and euphoric) to cheer me up whenever I have the uncontrollable urge to set it all on fire. And so far it's worked pretty well. Yesterday I had a particularly long night of trigonometric equations and angle formulae, so I drew myself this little guy. And, since I was feeling uber creative, I named him Mister Happy Sunshine. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9: The best part of "The Great Gatsby"

I hate F. Scott Fitzgerald. I won't deny it.

Okay, I don't actually hate him, but he annoys me. A lot. I think he is a beautiful writer, and I am incredibly jealous of his powers of description, but he cannot write a likable character to save his life! And he's one of those writers who tells a story mostly through characters instead of action, kind of like Steinbeck. Except, unlike Steinbeck, every single one of his characters is SO unpleasant, it's impossible for me to ever get into any of his books! I just want to jump into the pages and kill EVERYBODY. And the problems and conflicts they face in the book are just so... superficial! GAHHHH. I know, I know, there are deeper meanings and issues and all that jazz.... But it still makes me mad. Wait, where was I going with this? Oh, right.

I mentioned all this because right now we're reading "The Great Gatsby" in English class and it's killing me! I've already read the book, and I just can't stand it, so having to read it over a second time while analyzing every last trivial detail is kind of driving me crazy. But that's not what I'm trying to talk about either. I meant to talk to you guys about the cover of this empty banana peel of a book. (Also, I apologize if you really like Fitzgerald or the book or both. To each his own...)

The cover has always confused me, and I've never quite understood it:

And I've always loved it for this very reason. It's pretty much the only thing about "The Great Gatsby" that I like, actually. And today, while I was sitting around, super bored in economics, I noticed something that I have NEVER noticed before!! Inside the eyes of the woman... Are two more NAKED women!! HOW COOL IS THAT?? It's done in this way so that the body looks like the iris of the eye and I had to look at it for a moment before I saw it but... it's awesome. Truly mind-blowing. It makes me want to design my own naked woman eye! But in economics, I settled for copying the one on the cover. Check it out:

Is it just me, or is that not THE MOST EPICLY GORGEOUS THING YOU'VE EVER SEEN??? Gosh, I do hope it's not just me...

January 8: Percy the Positive Panda

Hello. My name is Calypso.

Hi, Calypso.

And I have an unnatural obsession with stuffed animals.

...The taxidermy kind?

No, the cotton kind.


Yes. I can't help it. I have a terrible weakness for big fuzzy bears and tigers and monkeys and giraffes... I blame the Velveteen Rabbit. Oh, and my father.
If you think I've got problems, you ain't seen nothin' yet. My dad is the strangest mixture of 50 year old and 4 year old that you will ever see. Or at least hear about. He comes off all mature and adultish at first, talking about stocks and cooking and then all of a sudden.. BAM! He's introducing you to his +20 year old "Mr. Bunny" who he has had longer than ME. Yup. My big brother is a rabbit.
I'm telling you all this because this weekend, my dad bought ANOTHER stuffed animal. My little bro and I were obviously whole-heartedly supportive since we share the disease, but my mom still deeply resents the poor little guy. I think she worries that with us as a family, she'll wake up one day to find herself drowning in a sea of stuffed animals. Anywho, the source of her grief is a big panda pillow pet who my father has affectionately crowned, "Percy the Positive Panda" (because he's always smiling!! :D). And we're all kind of obsessed with him. So, I drew a little picture of him for you guys yesterday!

I drew it on the back of a Chemistry flashcard... It was pretty much the highlight of my studying.

And here's the real Percy!

He's a looker, don't ya think?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 7: Nelson Mandelaaa!

ALAS!! I didn't sketch anything on Saturday... I went to a scavenger hunt birthday party instead. We ran around the downtown area and it was super fun! But, in all the sheer awesomeness I sort of forgot to draw anything. Well actually I drew something on my paper place mat at the restaurant, and I even ripped it out so I could take it and photograph it... but now it is nowhere to be found. :'( So instead, I'm going to share this old sketch of Nelson Mandela that I did quite a while back. Observe!

January 6: Le CHAT

So I don't know if I've mentioned this on any of my blogs, but I'm fluent in French. And so I take this super advanced French class which is really awesome because, since we already know how to speak French and everything, we spend a lot of time just learning about other stuff, while speaking French. On Friday, we analyzed this comic strip character called "Le Chat" (quite simply, "The Cat"). "Le Chat" is a really popular comic strip in France and it has all these little social commentaries between the lines, which is why we were talking about him. ANYWAYS, that's the background info for this sketch, which is of the cat himself (I get kind of restless in class, and this is the result...)

I know what you're thinking, "That does NOT look like a cat..." Oh, but it IS! Honestly, I have no idea why he looks like this, but he does! See?

(Once this is loaded, I'm all yours!)

(Not smoking kills you too ...but later.)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5: Darren Criss

Aka the man I am going to marry. Hah, I wish. But it was fun drawing him. Especially, his BEAUTIFUL TRIANGLE EYEBROWS. And his bow tie. <3

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 4: Seven Devils

I was listening to "Seven Devils" by Florence + The Machine annnd... this is what happened.

As I'm doodling it, my brother leans over my shoulder and is like, "What are all these evil clowns doing in ties???" And I'm like, "WOAH. They're devils. Duhhh. Ignorant child." But in my head, of course I was thinking, "My god, they really are evil clowns. And that's a good point, why are they wearing ties?" So yeah. I guess Florence does weird things to me. I'll try to channel her music into a better drawing next time...

January 3: Homework Eating Dinosaur

This is what happens when I try to be a good student...

At least my planner is being put to good use.

Monday, January 2, 2012

January 2: MIXTAPE

I LOVE mixtapes. :) 
While I only make CD mixes, I love the look of a real tape. And soooo...

January 1: Happy 2012!

Thought I'd do a quick, themed sketch to celebrate 2012... Happy New Year!