On Sunday, my family forced me to go on a bike ride.
And. It. Was. Pain.
I know what you're thinking, "MY GOD, WOMAN! It's just a bike ride! Are you really that out of shape?" My answer is YES. YES I AM. Well sort of.
To be fair.... the "quick bike ride", as described by this vile family of mine, ended up lasting around 6 hours. The bike I was riding was also new, and it's seat was SO uncomfortable, I'm pretty sure I have bruises in places NO ONE should have bruises. Yeah. It was also the type of bike where the seat is level with the handlebars, which I had never tried to ride before. It left me all hunched over afterwards... I felt like I ought to be standing in a tower, ringing a bell and falling in love with a curvy gypsy gal or something.
I blame my father. He's going through his mid-life crisis where he's OBSESSED with his physical fitness. He's been buying new bikes, measuring calorie intake, researching local gyms... And now he's decided to start buying me bikes apparently. But as he says, "Better bikes than blondes."
Anywho, here is a little doodle I did to express my emotions after those six torturous hours.
Obviously, I am not an athletic person.
But I've got to say, by the end of it, though my back and my behind hurt like HELL, I kind of liked the ride overall. And I think I have warmed up to the bicycle too. It's cute and orange and apparently the model my dad had when he was younger. It's all fancy and french or something.
In fact, I think I might have no choice but to become a bike nerd, if only for my dad's sake. So maybe I'll do a post about my SWEET RIDE sometime, on my main blog. ;)